AbbVie Volunteers Return to Serving Global Communities Through 可能性周



发现和提供新的医疗创新, 我们的人民迎接挑战, 从失败中学习,合作适应. That same resolve for solving tough health care challenges can also be found when serving our communities.  

年复一年, AbbVie employees give back by making donations (matched by the AbbVie Foundation) to nonprofits and causes they support, 以及全年和“可能性周”期间的志愿活动, 我们的全球社区服务活动周.  

在因疫情暂停两年之后,在2022年, 可能性周 已经是第七年回来了吗. 今年, 大约15,000 employees in more than 50 countries are expected to volunteer in projects that will make a real impact in communities. 在一周的时间里, volunteers will work with trusted community partners to complete hands-on projects aimed at strengthening local communities, 扩大教育项目,对环境产生积极影响. 

今年的参与者中有重复志愿者. Get to know a few of them and hear how their dedication and creativity has delivered a meaningful impact and inspired them to continue to give back in 2022. 


M8体育官网, they came up with multiple volunteering opportunities that would address community needs and could be facilitated virtually. 其中包括举办职业座谈, which gave students the chance to interact one-on-one with our diverse scientists; building thank you kits for North Chicago teachers; and hosting a 科学 day to get 3rd grade students excited about STEM. 


“在我的部门,我们以前没有做过任何这类事情, so one of the biggest obstacles in the beginning was just figuring out where to start,安德伍德说. “一旦事情开始了, we also had to learn how to engage students who were experiencing challenges of their own while studying remotely, 例如不稳定的家庭环境或不良的互联网接入. 在整个经历中, 我们的决心, 灵活性和同情心是真正使我们能够继续服务的东西.” 


Anticipating the return of 可能性周, Underwood is all the more excited.
\n“I’m looking forward to building on what we’ve learned in the past to hopefully make an even greater impact in our community,”她说。.

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在2019年首次参加“可能性周”之后, AbbVie associate scientist Essence Underwood was disappointed to learn the event had to be postponed due to the pandemic. 而不是把这看作是放弃的时刻, she and other colleagues in our development 科学s team chose to see it as a challenge – one they would eventually overcome. 向北芝加哥社区伙伴(NCCP)伸出援手, 一个帮助孩子们充分发挥潜能的非营利组织, they set out to inspire students near AbbVie’s global headquarters virtually when in-person volunteering was not possible.  

“我们联系NCCP说, ‘Help us help you innovate’ because we knew it wasn’t an option for us to simply not try,安德伍德说. 

通过他们的M8体育官网, they came up with multiple volunteering opportunities that would address community needs and could be facilitated virtually. 其中包括举办职业座谈, which gave students the chance to interact one-on-one with our diverse scientists; building thank you kits for North Chicago teachers; and hosting a 科学 day to get 3rd grade students excited about STEM. 

“在我的部门,我们以前没有做过任何这类事情, so one of the biggest obstacles in the beginning was just figuring out where to start,安德伍德说. “一旦事情开始了, we also had to learn how to engage students who were experiencing challenges of their own while studying remotely, 例如不稳定的家庭环境或不良的互联网接入. 在整个经历中, 我们的决心, 灵活性和同情心是真正使我们能够继续服务的东西.” 

Anticipating the return of 可能性周, Underwood is all the more excited.

“I’m looking forward to building on what we’ve learned in the past to hopefully make an even greater impact in our community,”她说。.


m8体育的很多人一样, 吉尔伯托Cruz-Jimenez, 波多黎各的IT经理, 从他记事起就开始做志愿者了. 


“Since I was a kid, my parents raised me to always look for ways to be of help to others,” he said. 


加入m8体育以来, Cruz-Jiménez has helped organize new ways to personally give back to the community by partnering with nonprofits and fellow colleagues. 他们的团队一开始规模很小, 只有少数几个人主动协调活动, 但随着时间的推移,他们的影响力越来越大. From making repairs to safe houses for victims of abuse and supporting the basic needs of orphan children, employees across both commercial and operations teams in 波多黎各 have rallied to support their community. 


“这里的人真的很想帮忙. 看到这些真是太棒了,我为在这里工作感到自豪。. 


In 2019, Cruz-Jiménez and colleagues personally volunteered their time at 波多黎各’s largest school for deaf people. Their task – to help paint the basketball court and to buy an additional projector, 因为全校只有一个. But, when the day of service arrived, they were rained out, cutting the project short. 而不是让项目只完成了一部分, 吉尔博托, his wife and another colleague showed up later in the week to finish the job and brought two new projectors along with them. 


“管理员看到我们回来很惊讶,但我们知道我们必须回来. 这些孩子和我们的社区应该得到最好的。. 

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就像m8体育的很多人一样, 吉尔伯托Cruz-Jimenez, 波多黎各的IT经理, 从他记事起就开始做志愿者了. 

“Since I was a kid, my parents raised me to always look for ways to be of help to others,” he said. 

加入m8体育以来, Cruz-Jiménez has helped organize new ways to personally give back to the community by partnering with nonprofits and fellow colleagues. 他们的团队一开始规模很小, 只有少数几个人主动协调活动, 但随着时间的推移,他们的影响力越来越大. From making repairs to safe houses for victims of abuse and supporting the basic needs of orphan children, employees across both commercial and operations teams in 波多黎各 have rallied to support their community. 

“这里的人真的很想帮忙. 看到这些真是太棒了,我为在这里工作感到自豪。. 

In 2019, Cruz-Jiménez and colleagues personally volunteered their time at 波多黎各’s largest school for deaf people. Their task – to help paint the basketball court and to buy an additional projector, 因为全校只有一个. But, when the day of service arrived, they were rained out, cutting the project short. 而不是让项目只完成了一部分, 吉尔博托, his wife and another colleague showed up later in the week to finish the job and brought two new projectors along with them. 

“管理员看到我们回来很惊讶,但我们知道我们必须回来. 这些孩子和我们的社区应该得到最好的。. 


从“可能性周”开始, Judy Low不仅是一名志愿者,而且还担任协调员. Having helped organize events and oversee activities as part of AbbVie public affairs in her earlier role and now, 负责艾尔建美学的国际交流, she knows that things don’t always go right all the time – but has always been impressed by how people have rallied together in a pinch. 

On one occasion volunteers had planned an event to grocery shop with underprivileged children, 但健康问题导致该活动在几乎没有通知的情况下被取消.  

“This left us with 20 volunteers who were ready but had nowhere to go,” said Low.

团队很快就适应了. 在他们的非营利合作伙伴的帮助下, they pivoted to host an event doing pottery with youth who have special needs.  

“人们愿意立即投入其中. This is the wonderful thing about our volunteers - they come together to make things happen and are flexible and open to serving in whatever way is needed,”她说。. “回顾过去这些年我们一起取得的成就, 我对我们今年能做更多的事情感到兴奋.” 



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